Draw a network in chalk on the yard. Try this one to start. Take 6 children and stand them in the squares on the left hand (IN) side. Give them all a number from 1 to 6 in random order. At a ...
Aim Use the cardinal points of the compass and simple coordinates to locate an object in a grid Create a 5 x 5 grid on a piece of laminated card. Make a smiley face on a disc that will fit in a ...
Start off playing Simon Says. One child is nominated as ‘Simon’ (teacher should be Simon for the first few rounds) Tell the children that IF Simon says they should do something, THEN they do it ...
This is an activity suitable for older children – we used it with 9-11 year olds. Print off these algorithms and in groups of 3 or 4, ask the children to look at the flow charts and tell them they are algorithms for some simple playground games they ...
A flowchart is one way of displaying an algorithm. One advantage of using a flow chart is that the way different operations are represented are standardised so that anyone who is familiar with the symbols can follow other people’s algorithms. ...
Rather than repeat the background information, if you have hit on this post for the first time, we suggest that you look at the FP/KS1 Introducing algorithms 1: 'IF' and 'THEN' and FP/KS1 ...
Rather than repeat the background information, if you have hit on this post for the first time, we suggest that you look at the 'FP/KS1 Introducing Algorithms: 'IF' and 'THEN' first.