KS2 Building a pyramid
KS2 Building a pyramid

KS2 Building a pyramid

7 years ago with Comments Off on KS2 Building a pyramid in Controlling things, Intermediate
Not so much a game but a great way of introducing planning and problem solving for older children which is ideal for an outdoor activity but can also be carried out in the classroom if you have room. ...
KS2 Relay race coding

KS2 Relay race coding

7 years ago with Comments Off on KS2 Relay race coding in Beginners, Creating + debugging programs
Put the children into teams, in lines, as you would for a relay race. Some distance in front of each team (depends on the space available and the age of the children.) place laminated cards with ...
FP / KS1 Smiley variables

FP / KS1 Smiley variables

7 years ago with Comments Off on FP / KS1 Smiley variables in Intermediate, Using logic
Divide into small (3 or 4 max) groups Draw circles on the ground with chalk or, in a classroom, print and laminate some yellow circles –two or three for each group. Talk about emoticons – what ...
KS2 Make a card sorting machine

KS2 Make a card sorting machine

7 years ago with Comments Off on KS2 Make a card sorting machine in Intermediate, Using logic
Divide children into groups of about 5 or 6. Exact numbers don’t matter.  Put several packs of playing cards in front of each group jumbled together.  (Even better if they are all face down) The ...
FP / KS 1  2×2 Sorting grid

FP / KS 1 2×2 Sorting grid

7 years ago with Comments Off on FP / KS 1 2×2 Sorting grid in Beginners, Using logic
Aim: To introduce the idea of sorting data using two variables and explore the concept of AND and NOT Most Foundation Phase teachers will be used to teaching opposites and using simple sorting ...
KS2 Copy cups, copy cones

KS2 Copy cups, copy cones

7 years ago with Comments Off on KS2 Copy cups, copy cones in Intermediate, Using logic
Work in pairs or in teams of about 3. You need one set of 6 playground cones and 6 bean bags per pair or plastic cups if you are doing this in a classroom. One team has a sheet on which are drawn ...
FP/KS2 Conditionals game

FP/KS2 Conditionals game

7 years ago with Comments Off on FP/KS2 Conditionals game in Algorithms, Intermediate
Start off playing Simon Says. One child is nominated as ‘Simon’ (teacher should be Simon for the first few rounds) Tell the children that IF Simon says they should do something, THEN they do it ...