Divide into small (3 or 4 max) groups Draw circles on the ground with chalk or, in a classroom, print and laminate some yellow circles –two or three for each group. Talk about emoticons – what ...
7 years ago with Comments Off on KS2 Make a card sorting machine in Intermediate, Using logic
Divide children into groups of about 5 or 6. Exact numbers don’t matter. Put several packs of playing cards in front of each group jumbled together. (Even better if they are all face down) The ...
Aim Use the cardinal points of the compass and simple coordinates to locate an object in a grid Create a 5 x 5 grid on a piece of laminated card. Make a smiley face on a disc that will fit in a ...
7 years ago with Comments Off on FP / KS 1 2×2 Sorting grid in Beginners, Using logic
Aim: To introduce the idea of sorting data using two variables and explore the concept of AND and NOT Most Foundation Phase teachers will be used to teaching opposites and using simple sorting ...
Work in pairs or in teams of about 3. You need one set of 6 playground cones and 6 bean bags per pair or plastic cups if you are doing this in a classroom. One team has a sheet on which are drawn ...
This unplugged game helps children learn about how computers sort and sequence items. You will need one large playing card for each child. If you have less than 52 children, take out the ...
This series of 5 lessons comes from our Taccle3 partners in Salamanca. Lessons in Spanish can be found here || Ideas y recursos en español. 1. Overview: The aim of this activity is to ...
This introduction to binary numbers was produced by our partner in Salamanca. You can find resources in Spanish here || Ideas y recursos en español This lesson introduces some basic concepts ...
An unplugged lesson for KS2 finding out what a code is, different sorts of codes, how they work and why we use them. The lesson can be integrated with the history, geography, technology or maths curriculum. ...