Category Archives: Beginners
KS1 / FP What is a robot?
There is no single definition of a robot. This lesson helps learners find out what robots are and the sotrs of things they can do. Aims Describe what a robot is and identify examples of robots ...
Quite simply, the best bit of kit we have ever used for introducing children to the maker culture, control technology, robots, coding and the rest. Cubelets are horrifically expensive but ...
Introducing Dash and Dot
Dash and Dot are absolutely our favourite robots for use in a primary school. They are expensive but worth every penny and we have always bought them on eBay for approximately 50% of the RRP for ...
Intro to Makey Makey – Musical Fruit
There are hundreds of things you can do with MaKeyMaKey but the best place to start has to be with something simple and fun.
KS1/FP – Using Bee Bots
Bee bot is a small, robust robot designed to for younger children. It is a bullet-proof way of introducing the basics of programming at KS1/FP.
FP/KS1 Understanding input and output
This lesson introduces the idea of 'control technology' by looking at some familiar machines and appliances and how they are controlled.
MakeyMakey Quick Start
This straight forward tutorial from Sparkfun has everything you need to get started with MaKeyMaKey all on one handy web page.
MaKeyMaKey – What’s the point?
This is a question I’ve been asked a few times by teachers. It’s lots of fun but what are the kids actually learning? Well for a start setting up the MaKeyMaKey is like setting up a ...