Trainer: Seppe

Short description:

The Arduino is a cheap, flexible, open source microcontroller platform designed to make it easy for hobbyists to use electronics in homemade projects. With an almost unlimited range of input and output add-ons, sensors, indicators, displays, motors, and more. The Arduino was originally designed for artists to handle interaction in their art. But with Arduino you can of course much more, think of robots, remote controls, …
In part one of this workshop we focus on understanding the Arduino system and look at the possible learning outcomes.
During part two, we combine your knowledge of Arduino, Scratch and robots. We teach you how you can use Arduino during your lessons and how to link your scratch programming to the physical world. With S4A we show you some simple setups that you can use during your lessons.


     Understand the basic concepts of computational thinking and programming

     Be familiar with the Arduino hardware and interface

  • Be familiar with the mblock interface (Scratch)

     Be familiar with various electronic components and concepts.

     Integrate Arduino into your own projects

  • Be able to programme a simple setup

     Define learning tasks to students

     know where you can find more information and examples on Arduino and scratch

  • Find resources online through the Taccle 3 website

Workshop resources