Jens Vermeersch. I am responsible for internationalisation with GO! onderwijs van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap. GO! (or Education of the Flemish Community) is the official education network in the Dutch speaking part of Belgium. I have an MA in history and an MA in Communication Sciences. For almost 20 year I have been involved in project management of European union funded education projects such as Leonardo, Grundtvig and Comenius. I also support GO! schools on internationalisation and I follow EU education policy.
I work together in a team with Veerle de Troyer and Katrien Lehouck. Twice a year we also organise a comenius in-service training course.
I am the coordinator of al three TACCLE projects. The first TACCLE project resulted in a handbook for teachers wanting to introduce e-learning into their practice and also on several training events for teachers. Building on and extending the experience of the initial project, TACCLE 2 aims to provide teachers with resources to integrate ICT and e-learning in their specific subject areas and targeted for different age ranges.
I am Daniela Reimann, I work as a researcher at KIT, looking at the intersection of digital media, arts, science and technology in creative processes and education. We also use arts and design-based approaches to improve technology education. In TACCLE 3 coding we will look at more playful, visual and arts-based approaches to teaching and learning in the field of coding and computational thinking, using Arduino technology and iconic programming tools.
Hi, my name is Francisco José García-Peñalvo, I’m associate professor at the University of Salamanca (Spain) in the Computer Engineering area and I head a research group called GRIAL that has interest in technology based education from a technological and pedagogical perspectives, this means we are an interdisciplinary team.
I’m very interested in computational thinking issues, thus it was very interesting to be involved in TACCLE3 project.
Some of my recent activities have been related to near university and enterprise realities throughout a virtual placement programme in the VALS European Project and MOOC activities throughout Mi.CompuMX project in Mexico.
Tarmo Toikkanen I’m a design researcher at Aalto University in Finland and have been working with schools, teachers, and students for over a decade, using participatory design methods to come up with new ways of teaching, learning, and arranging the physio-socio-cultural learning environments they work in.
I’m Jen Hughes. I work for Pontydysgu – a small company based in Pontypridd in Wales and Bremen in Germany.
I was a Maths teacher (11-16) and then moved into teacher training. I have been excited about e-learning for about 7 years and most recently have been having a lot of fun playing e-learning with primary age children!
Hi I’m Angela Rees. I work for Pontydysgu and am based in beautiful rainy Wales. Before that I spent eight years teaching maths and science in secondary school and in FE college. My favourite thing to do is to play with technology, if I’m not working on a website you will usually find me testing out a new kids app or playing with wires. You can follow my antics on my blog Babitech. I’m also interested in makerspaces, open/digital badges and everything e-learning.
I’m Nic Daniels and I also work for Pontydysgu. I was a teacher in Welsh medium education for 15 years and a deputy head teacher for 8 years. I have taught pupils from 4 to 11 years and taught across the whole primary curriculum. My specialist subjects are language & literacy, history and teaching pupils with additional educational needs.
In addition to teaching and teacher training, I have published ten children’s books and I own my own business.
In a world of constantly changing curricula and endless (unreasonable?) demands on education systems around the world, I will always be on the side of the teacher. I am thrilled to be a part of Taccle 3 and only hope I can help make teaching coding a little less painful for us all!
Seppe Hermans I’m a STEM teacher (12-14) and STEM coordinator at Spectrumschool, a school that is part of GO! Schooldistrict Antwerp. I’m passionate about science and technology and try to keep up to date with the latest developments. With my background in electrical engineering, I really try to put the E in STEM education.
Over the past few years I implemented coding and computational thinking in some of my classroom activities because 21ste century skills are essential in a fast changing world.
I’m delighted to be part of this project and hope to work closely with my colleagues from the primary schools in our district to help them implement computational thinking in their lessons.
Anne-Marie Tytgat I am pedagogical advisor for ‘Technology’ with GO! onderwijs van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap. GO! (or Education of the Flemish Community) is the official education network in the Dutch speaking part of Belgium. I am an engineer in Electronics and after 8 years’ experience as a technical trainer in a company I started in education. First as technical teacher and since 2005 as pedagogical advisor. As an advisor I support our school leaders in educational management. My technological and pedagogical support for teachers focuses on the implementation of the curricula for technology in secondary education.