Trainer: Annemie

Short description

Learning coding is more than learning to code in a computer language, it’s about computational thinking. And Computational thinking is about looking at a problem in a way that a computer can help us to solve it. In the sessions about computational thinking you will learn how to teach with “unplugged” activities that require no computer at all. This session gives you the opportunity to practice about patterns, one of the four concepts of computational thinking.
Patterns are everywhere, for example, in songs, children might notice patterns in how parents react  to their behaviour to work out how to behave next time.In this session you will learn how to define common pattern across a problem. First you will do some activities as a student to learn about patterns in a format that’s fun and accessible. Then you will learn how to teach those “unplugged” activities. In the workshop on Thursday afternoon you will make your own activities.


  • define and use the concept patterns;
  • be aware of a range of applications of computational thinking in particular patterns in different disciplines;
  • to select and use some of the activities available on the Taccle3 website for this subject.

Workshop Resources available soon…